Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Well, I am just speechless because some very thoughtful people did a kind deed for me today. I have CHRISTMAS LIGHTS on my house!!!! I have lived in this house for 14 years and have always wanted lights, you know, the icicle kind that hangs from the gutters....well, they are on my HOUSE today and are so beautiful! Thank you, Robert, for your hard work and Charlotte for helping him! WOW! I'll post a picture soon.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hummm...thinking out loud....

I have met lots of people along this "jouney" of life. Some people have been friends at church, or school, or friends of my children or simply acquaintances and a "hello" here and there. I have a new favorite scripture that tells me how to treat the people I meet on my journey. "You have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. (1 Peter 1:22) Well, now, that isn't always easy because in order to do that....we have to put our heart "out there" so to speak. Our heart is easily hurt and we guard it so carefully. Can we really love others deeply, sacrificially, without thought for ourselves? Is it possible? We have the Perfect example...but can we really love deeply our brothers? Will we be misunderstood? Will we be hurt?

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mirrors Don't Lie

Well, I think it is time for the New Year's resolution of going on a diet for the 100th time!! Went shopping with Charlotte a few days ago ...and tried on clothes....sigh....mirrors don't lie! My mind thinks I still look 30, but the mirror says "WOW, look at that OLD lady! Sigh....aging is not a pretty sight...nothing about it is pretty. Human beings have such a high standard about our "looks" but God loves us and thinks we are beautiful no matter what our physical being looks like. I just keep telling that to my mind and hope I can really believe it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree..Oh Christmas Tree....

Well, I love Christmas trees in all shapes and sizes. Many people have 'themed' trees, or trees with ornaments of a certain color that match their decor, but my tree has always been a LIFE tree. On my tree are the ornaments of our Life. Ornaments from our early marriage, ornaments from our children, ornaments given to us by friends, ornaments from places we have visited. I love our tree with all the memories hanging from it's branches. There is a story to tell about each one! For the last couple of years, I put up an artificial tree that was supposed to save space. Well, Charlotte named it "Disappointment in a Box" tree and I do have to agree it was kinda small and thin and this year we cut a live tree and with the help of Robert and Charlotte I have a beautiful full tree full of wonderful memories.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Welcome to the Holiday edition of getting to know your friends.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, unless it is a strange size or shape, then definitely a bag. I miss having Katie here to do the pretty wrapping.

2. Real tree or artificial? I like both....the real tree for the smell, but the artificial for less mess.

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the first week of December, but we did it extra early this year so Charlotte could do it for me.

4. When do you take down the tree? Usually before New Year's Day

5. Do you like eggnog? yes, but don't ever drink it because it is so full of calories!

6. What about Fruitcake? not much on fruitcake....although my Aunt made a good one from scratch that I could nibble on and pick out the fruit I didn't like.

7. Favorite gift received as a child? BRIDE DOLL! mom sewed a bride outfit and put it on a doll I already had and I just loved it. I thought it was a new doll. I think I was five and I remember getting up at my grandparents house in the cold and seeing the bride doll. I don't think there was a Christmas tree, just a few presents sitting about.

8. Do you have a nativity scene? I do....I just love it. I would like to collect them and display them about the house. Why should we take Christ out of Christmas just because he wasn't born on Dec. 25th?

9. Hardest person to buy for? my brother

10. Easiest person to buy for? Charlotte .....because she TELLS me exactly what she wants many times to make sure I GET it!

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't remember.....but the worst Christmas ever was the first one after Katie was married and gone and Charlotte got up, opened her presents, cried, and went back to bed in despair....I cried most of the day too.

12. Mail or email Christmas cards? I love to send and receive Christmas cards

13. Favorite Christmas Movie? Rudolph, and Santa Claus with Tim Allen

14. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When the weather gets colder

15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? yes, for a party, but I don't remember the present.

16. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? sausage balls, chex mix, turkey would be nice again.

17. Clear lights or colored on the tree? All lights are great, but can't stand the blinking thing

18. Favorite Christmas song? "Winter Wonderland," "White Christmas" and "Silver Bells"

19. Travel for Christmas or stay at home? Travel would be ok at my age and status in life.

20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? only if i sing the song

21. Angel on the tree top or a star? star

22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? both!

23. What is the one present you want most this year? to have all the ones I love come through the door to visit and "sit-a-spell"

24. Most annoying thing about this time of year? lines at the stores, money stress

25. What I love most about Christmas? family, thinking of the perfect gift to give, a "nip" in the air, Christmas music, getting out my Santa collection and looking at the ornaments we have collected over 31 years.

I tag Mitch and Gramps

About Me

I live in Nashville, TN and am working for RCC Renovations on restoring an older home for resale. I am excited about finding "me" for the next half of life. I know that God is in control!